Alberta Talent Insights Job Vacancies

Company size1000+ people
Alberta Oil and Gas is a Canadian-based liquids infrastructure company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. With nearly 14 million barrels of storage, and over 500 km of crude pipelines, we touch 1 in every 4 barrels produced in Western Canada. Utilizing this focused asset base, along with our dedicated and talented employees, we help create value for our customers while generating stable, long-term cash flow. Ultimately, our strategically located facilities, combined with our best-in-class market connectivity and a long-term growth outlook, help us connect our customers to markets, our employees to exciting and rewarding careers and investors to long-term value.Alberta Oil and Gas is a Canadian-based liquids infrastructure company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. With nearly 14 million barrels of storage, and over 500 km of crude pipelines, we touch 1 in every 4 barrels produced in Western Canada. Utilizing this focused asset base, along with our dedicated and talented employees, we help create value for our customers while generating stable, long-term cash flow. Ultimately, our strategically located facilities, combined with our best-in-class market connectivity and a long-term growth outlook, help us connect our customers to markets, our employees to exciting and rewarding careers and investors to long-term value.
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