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Bosses From Hell: Here are 7 Signs of a Toxic Workplace and What to do About it

Not all bosses are created equal. You might get a fair and reasonable one when you start a new job, or you may find yourself working for a toxic boss. You won't know for sure until you're in the thick of it, but there are a few telltale signs that will quickly reveal whether or not your superior is a nightmare to work for. Here are 7 signs of a toxic workplace and what to do about it.

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Not all bosses are created equal. You might get a fair and reasonable one when you start a new job, or you may find yourself working for a toxic boss. You won't know for sure until you're in the thick of it, but there are a few telltale signs that will quickly reveal whether or not your superior is a nightmare to work for. Here are 7 signs of a toxic workplace and what to do about it.

Photo credit: Yan

Have you ever worked for a bad boss? Or even a bad company? You're not alone. There are a lot of bad bosses out there. So what's the best way to handle this?

There are certain signs that reveal if your workplace is toxic or not. These signs will appear in your workplace if the organization fails to take action against the bosses, team members, managers, and other employees who are abusive. This abusive behavior can have a serious impact on your professional and personal life.

Having to work in such an environment is a pain in the neck and won't help you grow your career. If you dread going to work and feel stressed out, you may have a toxic boss. However, before you confront your boss and tell him/her what you think — I know you want to — let's discover the signs of a toxic boss and workplace and how to deal with the problem.

7 signs of a toxic workplace

In a toxic work environment, you may feel like nothing you do is good enough. The standards are always changing, but never in your favor. It can be a challenging place to foster creativity and innovation, especially if you have a boss from hell. 

You may be constantly anxious about being punished or criticized for your performance, and the stress affects your health and self-esteem. Let’s look at 7 signs that give an overall idea of what a toxic workplace looks like.

1. Your boss is a bully

The boss from hell. From the micromanager to the narcissist, problematic bosses come in many forms. Some are simply clueless about the skill sets of their staff. Others have bad tempers or let their egos get the best of them. 

If your boss is constantly criticizing you or undermining your work in front of others, that's a bad sign. You should also be wary of any boss who uses fear or intimidation to run the company.

If your boss is a bully. If your boss is verbally abusive, hostile, or aggressive toward you or your colleagues, that's a major red flag. The work environment isn't healthy and it's not likely to get better.

2. Your work isn't respected

No one deserves to be disrespected at work. This could mean not being credited for your ideas, having your work undermined or ignored, being interrupted in meetings, being treated like an intern when you're clearly qualified for the position, or even being criticized for taking time off sick. 

If no one values the work you do and your boss doesn't appreciate what you're contributing, it's hard to take pride in your job. Plus, you'll probably feel like you're wasting your time there.

If your boss doesn't respect you and your work, it's only a matter of time before you start hating going to work every day.

3. You're expected to do things that are illegal or unethical

If you're being asked to engage in questionable practices — such as making false claims about products or services for promotional purposes — that's a problem and could cost you your job and even put you in legal trouble. Those behaviors can include everything from sexual harassment to taking credit for someone else's work. 

If asked to break the law, such as faking sales figures or lying on expenses claims, bring the request to HR's attention immediately in writing. The same goes for anything that feels inappropriate or unethical. You might want to consult a lawyer too if it’s something serious.

4. If there's no sense of teamwork

Another hallmark of a toxic workplace is the absence of teamwork. A toxic boss can create factions that lead employees to draw battle lines and break communication with colleagues.   

The focus shifts away from work toward what your colleagues are up to, and what your next step should be. Individual survival takes precedence over team progress and achievement. This creates an unpleasant atmosphere, rife with hostility and uneasiness amongst employees.

5. You are being harassed or discriminated against

Psychological and verbal harassment may be the most common forms of harassment. Though there are other serious forms including sexual and physical harassment. Workplace harassment of any kind is unethical and has a negative impact on an employee's health, productivity, and safety.

6. You are made to work crazy hours

Overwork and burnout help no one. Studies have shown that working long hours can lead to heart disease and stroke. Yet some bosses insist on working their employees to the bone. 

7. You dread going to work every single morning

If you fear going to work every morning, chances are that you are working in a toxic workplace. Your employer should give you constructive feedback not hurl abuses and insults whenever you make a mistake.


What to do when if you find yourself in a toxic workplace

Working for a toxic boss can be a nightmare. You're stressed, anxious, and worried about what the next day will bring. You dread going to work and even feel sick to your stomach when you think about it. That's not all. You might also become less productive, which can lead to problems with your co-workers and clients as well.

If you can recognize most or all of the signs discussed above in your workplace, it means you are clearly in a toxic workplace and/or working for a toxic boss. It might be time to consider leaving the place for a saner work environment. 

Granted, this is easier said than done because there are bills to pay and you don’t know when you would be able to land a better job. So you might want to remain in your current job while searching for a new one. However, remaining does not mean you should continue to suffer so below are steps you can take to deal with the situation in the meantime.

1. Always keep your cool

If you project a calm demeanor and maintain your cool, their rage will gradually dissipate. You might even gain a better grasp of their underlying reasons and what's provoking them if you listen to what they say whenever they rant. 

This is especially important in a public place when people will be watching how you handle the problem. Maintain your professionalism at all times. Take responsibility for any errors you may have made, and keep the conversation as brief as possible.

2. Concentrate on agreements rather than expectations

You and your boss need to agree on what your priorities are, due dates, and responsible parties, whether it's during one-on-ones, meetings, or other lines of communication.

Avoid ambiguity at all costs, and if in doubt, seek clarification. 

You're quite liable to get into difficulty when others have differing expectations. Bosses that are inclined to tantrums are very likely to be triggered by unclear expectations.

3. Offer solutions, not just problems

This is an important principle for managing superiors, particularly toxic bosses. When you approach them with a problem, provide several options and suggest a specific line of action. This demonstrates that you have thoroughly analyzed the concerns, considered options, and have a firm grasp on what needs to be done. This is especially crucial for a toxic boss because it allows them to express their own thoughts, make the final decision, and feel needed and respected. Massaging the egos of toxic bosses with large egos in genuine ways is an effective technique to stay out of trouble.

4. Identify the priorities of your boss

Learn about your boss's priorities and how they relate to the projects you're working on. This is especially true in the case of toxic workplaces. Identifying their priorities allows you to better manage your time, foresee where they may be under stress, and provide solutions ahead of time.

5. Acknowledge them openly

If your toxic boss has a huge ego, giving them partial credit for results makes them look good boosts their ego. Doing this can help you stay on their good side. However, be sure not to overdo it, otherwise, this could make you appear insincere. Also, be mindful of how you do it because it could offend others who may perceive it as boot-licking.

6. Make a life for yourself outside of work.

Sleeping well, exercising, eating well, spending time with friends or loved ones, and having other interests are all important in everyone's life, even more so when working in a toxic workplace. So go on a run, volunteer, or train for a marathon. It could make all the difference in your mental and physical well-being.



It's tough to know how much you should put up with from an employer. A certain amount of frustration is just part of being alive, after all. However, if you're at the point where you dread going to work each day, and it's affecting your health and/or relationships, then it might be time for a change.

While some level of stress at work is normal, it's not healthy to have a boss who makes you dread going to work every morning. Instead of enjoying your job, you're counting down the minutes until you can clock out. The steps above will help you manage the situation if you find yourself in a toxic workplace.

Written by

Muna Egu

Muna Egu is a content marketer and conversion copywriter with a knack for helping B2B, SaaS, Fintech and B2C brands attract traffic and generate leads. He is deeply passionate about using the power of high-quality content and copywriting to light hearts on fire for brands.

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