Jobs and Vacancies in Entebbe, Uganda



London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Associate Professor

Entebbe, Uganda


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Assistant Manager Legal And Board Affairs

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Uganda Airlines

Catering Assistant

Entebbe, Uganda

Uganda Airlines

10 Ramp Attendants

Entebbe, Uganda

United Nations Regional Service Centre


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Entebbe, Uganda

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Archives Assistant

Entebbe, Uganda

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Entebbe, Uganda

Closing: Jul 5, 2024

1 day remaining

Published: Jun 10, 2024 (24 days ago)

Job Requirements


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Job Summary

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The post-holder will lead, coordinate and support bioinformatics

activities at the Unit, and contribute to national and regional leadership

in the area. S/he will support the Unit’s high-performance computing

facility – Uganda Medical Informatics Centre (UMIC) project. The

postholder will be embedded within research projects in the Unit and

develop bioinformatics pipelines for the routine processing and

analysis of sequence data. Unit research provides enormous

opportunities for phylogenetic analysis, viral discovery, and other

virology studies as well as a strong human genetics group and

increasing interest in immuno-informatics. S/he will be expected to

contribute to new research proposals, as well as publications. The

post also includes responsibility to develop human capacity in

bioinformatics, by contributing towards training of early- and midcareer researchers.


1. PhD degree and substantial post-doctoral experience in pathogen


2. Evidence of continuous professional development including internal or external

training and development programmes.

3. A consistent and significant track record of attracting research grant income,

including salary recovery, from major research funders (PI, co-PI or leadership

within a large proposal such as work-package lead).

4. A track record of contributions as lead and co-author to peer-reviewed outputs, as

expected by the subject area/discipline in terms of types and volume of output;

significant contributions to at least four outputs within the most recent 5 years that

are at least internationally excellent

5. Proven ability to work independently, as well as collaboratively as part of a research

team, including experience of supervising and supporting junior researchers and

non-academic staff and proven ability to meet research deadlines.

6. An understanding of the strategies for improving equity and inclusion in research

and/or learning and teaching.

7. Some experience of doctoral degree supervision.

8. Proven ability to build collaborative research relationships with external

researchers and/or institutions, or industry (where relevant).

9. Evidence of ability to deliver high quality research-informed teaching.

10.Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate

effectively both orally and in writing.


The post-holder will lead, coordinate and support bioinformatics

activities at the Unit, and contribute to national and regional leadership

in the area. S/he will support the Unit’s high-performance computing

facility – Uganda Medical Informatics Centre (UMIC) project. The

postholder will be embedded within research projects in the Unit and

develop bioinformatics pipelines for the routine processing and

analysis of sequence data. Unit research provides enormous

opportunities for phylogenetic analysis, viral discovery, and other

virology studies as well as a strong human genetics group and

increasing interest in immuno-informatics. S/he will be expected to

contribute to new research proposals, as well as publications. The

post also includes responsibility to develop human capacity in

bioinformatics, by contributing towards training of early- and midcareer researchers.


1. PhD degree and substantial post-doctoral experience in pathogen


2. Evidence of continuous professional development including internal or external

training and development programmes.

3. A consistent and significant track record of attracting research grant income,

including salary recovery, from major research funders (PI, co-PI or leadership

within a large proposal such as work-package lead).

4. A track record of contributions as lead and co-author to peer-reviewed outputs, as

expected by the subject area/discipline in terms of types and volume of output;

significant contributions to at least four outputs within the most recent 5 years that

are at least internationally excellent

5. Proven ability to work independently, as well as collaboratively as part of a research

team, including experience of supervising and supporting junior researchers and

non-academic staff and proven ability to meet research deadlines.

6. An understanding of the strategies for improving equity and inclusion in research

and/or learning and teaching.

7. Some experience of doctoral degree supervision.

8. Proven ability to build collaborative research relationships with external

researchers and/or institutions, or industry (where relevant).

9. Evidence of ability to deliver high quality research-informed teaching.

10.Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate

effectively both orally and in writing.

Knowledge Generation

1. To deliver high quality research & scholarship in your field of study, individually and

in collaboration with others, by developing and maintaining a research grant

portfolio from good research funders, publishing peer-reviewed outputs,

generating and securing (where relevant) intellectual property and evaluating

teaching practice.

2. To participate in doctoral student supervision and examination.

3. To lead and manage research teams and promote and ensure compliance of self

and others with good practice in relation to the conduct of research, the ethics

policy, inclusivity, and other relevant LSHTM policies.

4. To support the development of early career researchers.

5. Provide strong scientific and technical bioinformatics expertise that involves

analyses, interpretation and making genetic inferences of sequencing data to

support virological studies including phylogenetic analyses.

6. Provide scientific and technical expertise to lead research activities related to

the identification and biological characterization of emerging and re-emerging

infections (mainly virus infections) that are endemic or contribute to outbreaks

in Uganda.

7. Provide some expertise in pathogen sequencing.

8. Prepare data reports and presentation of key findings (internally and externally)


1. To deliver high quality, inclusive education and assessment in relation to

your specific subject and within the broader area covered by your

department and disciplinary field.

2. To contribute to the improvement of the quality and inclusivity of LSHTM’s

education, by participating in the development and review of new and

updated learning and teaching materials or approaches, and/or improving

assessment practices, and/or improving aspects of the student experience.

3. To support educational leadership and management by active participation in

Faculty and Programme or curriculum leadership roles, as appropriate, and by

collaborating with professional services staff both centrally and in the faculty

office in carrying out relevant administrative processes.

4. To provide bioinformatics training in-house and to external users and stakeholders

5. Train, mentor and supervise scientific and technical staff to contribute to human

capacity development in the Unit and across campus. Be a leader in

bioinformatics capacity building.

6. Apply for and support grant applications.

7. Assist in reviewing research protocols when requested.

8. Participate in planning and budgeting meetings for UMIC

9. Contribute to the long-term aims and scientific direction of the Unit through

membership of senior management forums within the Unit.

Internal Contribution

1. To demonstrate good internal citizenship by undertaking PDRs and promoting

staff development, and by participating in the recruitment, mentoring and support

of more junior colleagues as appropriate.

2. To participate in the activities of LSHTM committees and undertake a leadership

or administrative role at LSHTM/Faculty/Department/MRC Unit level, as


3. To proactively demonstrate LSHTM’s EDI goals in your work and behavior;

4. Facilitate scientific collaboration internally within the Unit, LSHTM and across the

UVRI campus in the areas of


Good research funders are: Research Councils; Government Departments; NIHR; National and overseas charities recognised by

HEFCE for QR; Overseas research councils or equivalent including NIH; EU; other agencies (eg NGOs, commercial companies)

supporting commissioned research that is consistent with LSHTM's mission and meets LSHTM's cost recovery targets

External Contribution

1. To demonstrate good external citizenship by linking with and supporting

appropriate external organisations.

2. To promote knowledge translation and enterprise by exploiting academic

knowledge beyond academia.

3. Continuation of No1 especially with the University of Glasgow, Centre for Virus

Research, Wellcome Trust Sanger, Kilifi/WT/KEMRI, and the Gambia Unit.

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