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Security Risk Management Advisor - Band 4

Kakuma, Kenya

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© Fuzu Ltd 2024


Security Risk Management Advisor - Band 4

Closing: Jun 14, 2024

This position has expired

Published: May 17, 2024 (2 months ago)

Job Requirements


Work experience:

Language skills:

Job Summary

Contract Type:

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GIZ has been in operation in Kenya since 1975 as commissioned by the Kenyan government. The current thematic areas for the ministry for economic cooperation and development are in the areas of agriculture, food security and Sustainable Economic Development. In addition to the already mentioned focus areas, there are also projects in the sectors of good governance, energy and migration. Other activities GIZ also engages in are in the sectors of economy and sport for development. Furthermore, GIZ using the Civil Peace Service, supports dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution of societal conflicts in Kenya.

GIZ also implements on behalf of the federal ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, projects in the fields of environment and climate. The goal of GIZ is to support the capacity development of people, organisations and institutional structures in the partner countries so as to enable them better their living conditions through their own efforts. Based on the government agreement, GIZ implements its commission in close cooperation with the civil society. GIZ Office is looking for a Digitization assistant/support staff to support the Office and

The Security Risk Management Office is seeking to recruit a Security Risk Management Advisor (SRMA) to be based in Lodwar/Kakuma.

This SRMA position is stationed in Lodwar and/or Kakuma with regular (potentially,
weekly) business travels to the other. He/she may also be required to travel to
other duty stations from time to time. The incumbent is primarily responsible
for the following predominantly north Kenyan counties: West Pokot,
, Baringo, Turkana, Samburu, Laikipia, Marsabit, Isiolo, Wajir, Mandera, and Garissa.


GIZ has been in operation in Kenya since 1975 as commissioned by the Kenyan government. The current thematic areas for the ministry for economic cooperation and development are in the areas of agriculture, food security and Sustainable Economic Development. In addition to the already mentioned focus areas, there are also projects in the sectors of good governance, energy and migration. Other activities GIZ also engages in are in the sectors of economy and sport for development. Furthermore, GIZ using the Civil Peace Service, supports dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution of societal conflicts in Kenya.

GIZ also implements on behalf of the federal ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, projects in the fields of environment and climate. The goal of GIZ is to support the capacity development of people, organisations and institutional structures in the partner countries so as to enable them better their living conditions through their own efforts. Based on the government agreement, GIZ implements its commission in close cooperation with the civil society. GIZ Office is looking for a Digitization assistant/support staff to support the Office and

The Security Risk Management Office is seeking to recruit a Security Risk Management Advisor (SRMA) to be based in Lodwar/Kakuma.

This SRMA position is stationed in Lodwar and/or Kakuma with regular (potentially,
weekly) business travels to the other. He/she may also be required to travel to
other duty stations from time to time. The incumbent is primarily responsible
for the following predominantly north Kenyan counties: West Pokot,
, Baringo, Turkana, Samburu, Laikipia, Marsabit, Isiolo, Wajir, Mandera, and Garissa.

A. Responsibilities

The position holder is responsible for:

  • Ensuring safety and security of GIZ and KfW staff stationed in, visiting and implementing projects anywhere within the above-mentioned counties;

  • Understanding implementation priorities of projects and maintaining an excellent working relationship, providing proactive security risk management (SRM) support for implementation;

  • Identifying, monitoring and communicating specific early warning indicators that point to future increased risk for GIZ / KfW staff and property and educating all staff on these;

  • Efficiently updating all relevant staff and the S-SRMA on the indicators and making clear, actionable recommendations in good time;

  • Ensuring clear and concise risk avoidance and/or risk mitigation measures;

  • Maintaining an up-to-date and accurate Hibernation, Relocation and Evacuation (HRE) and crisis communication plan for the above-stated counties and coordinating execution of HRE;

  • Maintaining a robust medical plan, identifying pre-assessed hospitals and clinics in Lodwar and Kakuma as well as other main urban centres where GIZ / KfW staff implement, and coordinating medical evacuations (MEDEVAC);

  • Acting as counterpart and when necessary substituting in specific tasks for SRMA (West)

In this context, the technical professional performs the following tasks:

B. Tasks

1. Core Scope of Tasks

The position holder

Security Risk Management

  • Ensures SRMO Online Risk Map for his/her region is continuously up-to-date with appropriate safety-/security-related incidents and developments, and those over 96-hours are removed;
  • Ensures “northern Kenya” section of SRMO IDA SharePoint is maintained efficiently, with useful safety- / security-related reports and recommendations;
  • Ensures the HRE plans account for all relevant staff and that the plan for
    assembly and “relocations” are rehearsed annually;
  • Monitors business trips within the above-stated counties, focusing risk management support accordingly, and is always prepared to brief on staff presence at short-notice;
  • Maximises use of Emergency Mass Notification System (EMNS) to keep staff informed about safety-/security-related developments as well as to send security Alerts;
  • Closely monitors and maintains an accurate Internationals Presence List (IPL), and when required, able to brief at short-notice on presence of seconded staff and their families;
  • Conducts thorough Site Security Assessments (SSAs) using the SOP of new GIZ / KfW offices, accommodation options of seconded staff, and potential hotels and guesthouses;
  • Ensures safety and security at the Kakuma GIZ compound by mentoring the Security Focal Point (SFP) ensuring adherence to SOPs and keeping head of station and S-SRMA informed;
  • Reviews SSAs annually and follows-up by updating and advising the relevant manager;
  • Continually mentors Security Focal Points (SFPs) and monitors fire safety and access security;
  • Maintains and extends a wide network of contacts, that can assist in the SRM, including contacts with local law enforcement, civil authorities, medical
    establishments and security departments in other IOs and NGOs in his/her
    region of responsibility;
  • Organises Security Roundtables with all managers and Office SFPs every two months, maintains record of attendance and share Minutes (or .ppt Slides) with them and the S-SRMA;
  • Conducts Country Security Briefings (CSBs) and EMNS onboarding within 4 working days of staff joining projects directly in northern Kenya, files signature
    lists and updates the database;
  • When required, monitors the GIZ Kenya emergency number and is prepared to drive to and support emergencies outside office hours;
  • Prepares and delivers written and/or verbal route and area risk assessments when required;
  • Attends SRMO meetings, updates the team on the situation and relevant operational issues;
  • Maintains the local SRMO inventory and manages SRMO cars in accordance with GIZ rules;
  • When required, conduct business travels to other parts of Kenya and is prepared to support and/or substitute for other SRMAs with a reasonable amount of notice;
  • Acts as counterpart to SRMA (West), deconflicts absence days and assumes pre-agreed SRM tasks during absences;
  • Coordinates SRM trainings in northern Kenya as required by S-SRMA;
  • Escorts GIZ and KfW staff on business travels and field trips as required by
  • When necessary, drive the SRMO car for official SRM purposes.

C. Required qualifications; competences and experience


  • KCSE Certification

  • A university degree in social science-related field is preferable

Professional experience

Other knowledge; additional competences

  • Essential experience in driving and navigating in rough terrain and inhospitable weather;

  • Working knowledge of Turkana language and culture is highly

  • Very good spoken and written English language skills is essential;

  • Excellent working knowledge of SharePoint, MS Office and MS TEAMS is

  • Excellent knowledge and experience with MS SharePoint and electronic

  • Provable self-organizational skills;

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a ‘service mentality’.

D. Duty Location

  • The duty location is Lodwar/Kakuma.

E. Submission of Application

  • Vacancy Reference Number: GIZ/SRMOKE/01/05/2024

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer.

All applications should be received by 31st May 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Applications submitted via Fuzu have 32% higher chance of getting shortlisted.